Our Onsite FOOD BANK is now Opened and will operate on SUNDAYS, immediately after our Worship Service from 12:30PM

FOOD BANK at The Grateful Church


=>  Our Online FOOD BANK will now CLOSED to the public with effect from Thursday 12th of November, 2003

For further information about Collections or Delivery, please call  07539041903 or 07727202138

Online Food Bank - The Grateful Church RCCG

More About FOOD BANK

Food bank exist because of food surplus, and this occurs when the supply of food exceeds the demand for it. One of the reasons for food surplus includes

  • Over Production
  • Food Imperfection
  • Damaged Packaging, and
  • Exceeding Best Before Date

Let’s discuss the Best Before Date

This connects with quality not wellbeing. Many individuals dispose of food when it has passed its best before date, not realizing it can frequently be delighted in for far longer. There is a lot of confusion about the dates on food packaging. So here are a few convenient tips to assist with demystifying food packaging and ensure your food can be enjoyed for as long as possible.

When you read the Best Before Date, this implies that your food will be at its BEST before the date given. It’s a quality stamp not a safe eating guide. It doesn’t mean you ought to hurl it in the canister at the stroke of 12 PM – last minute of the stated best before date.

Within the right storage – for example if its in the correct packaging and airtight – loads of groceries can be eaten long after their best before date.  For example, crisps can in any case be palatable for a decent month after their best before or cut-off time. Packed cereals and crackers can keep going for an additional a half year. Tinned food can last in your store cupboard for a whole year.

What’s more, don’t discard that bundle of dried pasta that you’ve found at the rear of the cabinet. With proper storage, it should still be safe to eat for around two years after its best before date.


THANK YOU for visiting our website

If you are willing to support our FOOD BANK, please speak to any of the Church Ministers or call the Hosting Team on 07727202138 or 07539041903