We like to invite you to join us for a Worship Service. We meet on SUNDAYs at 10:00am with Children’s Church at our Worship Centre, and on WEDNESDAYs at 7pm – which is currently Online since Covid-19. You can also watch our services and other events online.
The word of God – the Bible says “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). In this present world, you cannot achieve anything or live a Purpose Driven Life without having access to the voice of God.
Everyone who is always led by the Spirit of God is assured of Victory. And it is also the will of God that all His children understand His voice and listen when He is speaking or leading them.
This book reveal the truth about hearing the voice of God
The Grateful Church is established to always Appreciate God and Raise Godly Role Models. And certainly it’s not just for the adults, we also have a vision for the next generation. Our vision is that everyone comes to know Christ for themselves, and that they learn how to stand strong in faith and know the love of God. With a vibrant Children’s and Youth Church on Sunday mornings, Saturday night with Youth Hangout and other special events and activities throughout the year, there is always something for everyone to be Grateful for.
Join Us at our New Building for a lot of events (Worship Services, CAFE, FOOD BANK, & GAMES)
Sunday Worship Service : 10:00AM – 12:15PM @ Platt Chapel, 186 Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield, Manchester M14 5LL (Sat Nav : M14 6HP)
Wednesday Bible Study : 07:00PM – 8:30PM @ ONLINE
Correspondence Address : Platt Chapel, 186 Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield, Manchester M14 5LL
Tel : +44 (0) 161 533 0130 | +44 (0) 753 904 1903
Email : info@thegratefulchurch.org.uk
RCCG UK : www.rccgeurope.church
RCCG Global : www.rccg.org
© 2024 The Grateful Church RCCG. All Rights Reserved.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy PRAISE, PRAYER, TEACHING, HEALING & MIRACLES + a Light Refreshment (Brunch or Snacks)
Join Us for an Atmosphere of LOVE, MIRACLES, WISDOM and HEALING
You want to join us, or have a question. Call the Church hotline now on : +44 (0)161 533 0130, +44 (0)753 904 1903
To chat with us, simply press the button below or go to – linktr.ee/TheGratefulChurch
Everyone is welcome to enjoy PRAISE, PRAYER, TEACHING, HEALING & MIRACLES, and you can also contribute Online
Student Fellowship / Connection
Join Us for an Atmosphere of LOVE, MIRACLES, WISDOM and HEALING
You want to join us, or have a question. Call the Church hotline now on : +44 (0)161 533 0130, +44 (0)753 904 1903
To chat with us, simply press the button below or go to – linktr.ee/TheGratefulChurch