
October 8, 2017


WEATHERING THE STORM OF LIFE.. God did not say that the issues of life won't come our way but that He will see us through such issues. A classical case of such storm is recorded in the scripture. (Matthew 8: 24.) There will always be problems in life. However, God doesn't give us problems we can solve so that He can manifest Himself in our lives. Satan uses events such as wars, killings, poverty, ill-health e.t.c. to instill fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) in us. However, the Bible assured us that many will fall by the sides but none will come nigh us. (Psalm 9:7) EFFECT OF STORMS. Storms causes people to lose precious things/belongings (Luke 8:23). Lose Rest/focus/peace of mind (Isaiah 55:11) Causes depression Loss of life (Exodus 9:24-25) WHAT TO DO WHEN WE FACE STORMS Trust God (Psalm 34:7) Pray (Philip 4: 6-7) Ask the Holy Spirit for help (John 14:26) Take a bold step of faith
October 8, 2017

Happy Sunday…..

Happy Sunday.....
October 6, 2017

JESUS always Heal the Sick. …

JESUS always Heal the Sick. Ask Him for Help, allow Him to Heal You Ask for your Healing now !
October 3, 2017

Bonjour, I just read through my book again this …

Bonjour, I just read through my book again this morning and I am convinced it will bless you, because I wrote it with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Do a reading : Listening to God - There are FREE version in PDF, contact me if you want it. ---------------- Visit : |