
July 2, 2018

The Christian Life requires some level of …

The Christian Life requires some level of Discipline, if you try to avoid it, you can't emerge as a Christian indeed. You will just be religious. It is not about a religion, it's a Lifestyle. ---- ... Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by Discipline (the things which he endured) - Hebrews 5:8 When are we going to start teaching the Church this inclusive part of Christian Living
June 19, 2018

Father’s Day Service Topic

Father's Day Service Topic: A Father's Love Text: Prov 17:17; 13:22; Luke 11:10-13 Message - Being a Father is a privilege given by God to be enjoyed. Many are men, many are husbands but not all are fathers. -Fathers give their children a voice. The societal breakdown we experience today could be attributed to the lack of a father-figure in the lives of many people. - God wants fathers to bring their children closer to Him ( Josh 24:15; Job 1:1-5; prov 13:22). A father's love is not complete until he has ensured that his children are in right standing with God. What God expects from Fathers 1*- *Love your wife ( Eph 5:25). You cannot fully express your love for your children if you don't love their mother. 2*- *Train your children (Prov 22:6) this cannot be done without the special touch of the mother. That's why it is important for a man to love his wife (as previously stated). 3 Provide for your family (1 Tim 5:8) provision is not limited to 'money', provide the right education etc 4 Spend time with your family There is no substitute for spending time with your family. 5 Build an inheritance for your family Don't bring children into the world and leave them to suffer when you're no more. Start from now to put together a plan that'll ensure your family is taken care of ( e.g a protection plan; life insurance plan etc) 6 Protect your family Not just physically but also Spiritually. Rise up to pray for your family daily 7 Build a good legacy Every child and every wife wants to be proud of their father/husband (Prov 31:23). Be a contributor; be a leader; help in the community. 8 Prophesy into your family (Gen 49:1) the words that a father prophesies are powerful. As a father you are standing in the place of God, so what you say into life of your wife and your children will come to pass. Happy Father's Day! Have a blessed week ahead.
June 11, 2018

Always drink plenty of water, its good for you. …

Always drink plenty of water, its good for you. Do your body a good favour
June 11, 2018


Topic: Persisting to The End. Text(s): 2Timothy 4(10), Acts 15(37-38), Colossians 4(10), revelation 2(4-5), 2Peter 2(20-22), 2Peter 1(5-10). People are running from church but be persistence to the end, don't listen to them. There will be trial and temptation even in the news but don't be discourage and don't give up. 1Timothy 4(1-4), 1Timothy 5(15), 2Timothy 4(9-10), 1Conrinthians (10-12). Don't run away from the work of God, you will be given false doctrine by the evil (false prophets) people. Why are people falling away? 1. Poor foundation. Mark 4(14-19). God cannot give you what you cannot handled. 2. Satan agenda. Read John 8 (44), 2 Corinthians 11(3), Matthew 13(19), Revelation 13(13). 3. Lack of knowledge. Hosea 4(6), proverbs 11(14). How to prevent from falling away. 1. Meditate in the work of God. Joshua 1(8), Psalm 1(1-3). 2. Search the scripture. Acts 17(10-11) 3. Continue doing good. Galatians 6(9). Plant seeds one day it will germinate 4. Ask for the grace of God 5. Pray without ceasing. Luke 18(1-8). 6. Remain focus in the race. 1Corinthians 15(58), Revelation 2(10). 7. Desire more of his holy spirit. John 14(26-30), 2Timothy 4(5-8).