Topic: The Power of Fasting.
Text: Isaiah 58: 6, Matthew 9:14-15
The above Bible verses shows that fasting is a fundamental part of a Christian life. As Christians we are expected to engage in fasting as commanded by Christ.
Misconceptions About Fasting
1. Fasting affects our health negatively
2. We are under the dispensation of Grace so there is no need for fasting.
Both arguments are not totally correct as Jesus emphasized in Matthew 9: 14-15 that we must fast.
Why We Must Fast
1.Jesus Christ in the Holy book instructed us to fast. Examples of those who fasted and succeeded in their endeavors include: Jesus Christ, Esther and the Jews, Jonah e.t.c.
2. Fasting is the fastest way to obtain all that we want.
3. Fasting put us in a victorious position (Isaiah 56:8)
Fasting undo the heavy burden we carry
4. Something things cannot happen unless fasting is added to prayers (Matthew 7:14-21)
5. Fasting increase our capacity to get spiritual help.
6. Fasting makes us sensitive to spiritual things which rules our world.
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