Today’s topic: Don’t despise small beginning.
Text Reading Job 8(7), zechariah 4(5-10).
Is that what you’re supposed to do and you’re afraid because of the atmospheric conditions or your bank account? Don’t be afraid, everything starts small.
God starts great things from smaller state. Don’t despise little begin.
Rejoice at the small stage of your career.
Remember that great ministries, company, business starts small.
As long as you’re Christian no matter the small beginning, just believe it, God is with you.
Be responsible and believe from what you start small.
Read Hanukkah 2(3). There are appointed time for everything though it tarry but at the end it shall speak.
Revisit God promise on your vision.
Reasons why you should not despise little beginning.
1. They’re ordained by God. It’s natural. Romans 1(20). For instance, Can you have a baby and start talking immediately?
Everything is a process
2. God built us through the process.
Don’t close your little beginning because you see someone moving. Read Galatians 4(1-2). God is always in the little beginning
Be encouraged and persistence. 1 John 1(1-2).
You can acquire what you want if you aspire not retire.
Mathew 13(31).
Psalm 1 (1-3). They’re season and appointed time.
We’re ordained to prosper don’t give up.
We wish you God’s greater anointing as you celebrate your Birthday Minister Dr. Chuks.
Remain blessed.
Pastor O. Kaffo
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