Thanksgiving service
Date: 5th May 2018
Topic: Vision: Take It Seriously
Text: Proverbs 29:18; Habakkuk 2:1-4
The subject of having a ‘vision’ cannot be over emphasised, especially for Christians.
God wants you to have a complete vision which consists of following:
1. A vision for your life
2. A vision for your spouse
3. A vision for your children
4. A vision for the kingdom of God
5. A vision for the church of God
6 A vision for your community; and
7 A vision for the world at large
Mark 12:30
– It pleases God when we do things for the benefit of those around us (not only ourselves) Psalm 2:8
– We are created to be creators. When you have a vision for mankind, it blesses you in return.
– Visions are ordained to be fulfilled especially as we are created in the image of God ( Gen 11:1-6)
How do we fulfill our visions (Habakkuk 2:1-4)
1. Write it down (Hab 2:1)
2 Read it always (Hab 2:2)
3 Run after it (that is: watch, work towards it and pray about it)(Hab 2:2)
4 Wait for it (Don’t give up) it will surely come (Hab 2:3). Though it tarries, it will come to pass. God is using the waiting time to strengthen and prepare you for what is to come!
Have a Blessed Week!
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