Sunday Service Topic

The Grateful Church RCCG shared their product.
May 4, 2018
Thanksgiving service Date
May 7, 2018

Sunday Service Topic

Sunday Service
Topic: Honouring God
Text: 1 Sam 2:1-18 & vs 27-31; Mal 1:6-14

– God expects His children to honour Him; He deserves our honour especially if we acknowledge Him as our father.
– If we choose not to Honour God, it doesn’t make Him less or more than He already is. His is God!
– Choosing to honour God is a personal decision. God knows if our ‘honour’ is coming from our hearts ( Read Isaiah 29:13). Even as individuals, we know if we honour God from out hearts.
– In today’s world, Honouring God is being watered down by ‘popular culture’ and human wisdom.

What does it mean to honour?
– It means to hold in high respect and great esteem,
– Doing what is right and expected
– Fulfilling an obligation or keeping an agreement

How to honour God
Although honoring God is not something that can be taught ( because it is a thing of the heart), some tips on how to honour God are:

*1*- By having faith in God and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

2*- With Thanksgiving. ( *Read Luke 17:11-18) We should not become to familiar with God that we don’t return to God to say thanks for all He has done.( Psalm 95:2-3; 1 Tess 5:18 ). We should honour God with our hearts, mouths and our substance.

3*- Reverence God; fear Him ( *Ecc 12:13 ). Give God His rightful place in your life. Joseph had reverential fear for God and refused to sin with his master’s wife. We reverence God by keeping His Commandments

4*- By building and visiting God’s house. Being among those who contribute to building the House of God ( *1Kings 6:14; Ps 35:7 ). God knows that those who’ll honour Him when they have a little will also Honour Him when He blesses them with more.

5*- By considering the poor. This is the fastest way to honour God ( *Prov 14:31; Prov 19:17 ). Consider the poor by extending your financial and material aid. When we give to the poor, we give to God ( Ps 41:1-3)

6 – With your time. If you give God your time, He will give you more time (long life). ( Read Matt 21:30)

7 – With your substance. We cannot Honour God without Giving to God ( Prov 3:9 ). We should honour God with our tithes (10% of your increase) and offering (freewill gift) ( Read Heb 8:3). Honouring God with our offering doesn’t mean bringing just any offering but bringing the best of our substance.

To Honour God the way He deserves will cost us Romans 12:1

Have a blessed week!

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