Sunday Service
16th June 2019
Topic: The purpose of a father.
Texts: Matt 23:9, John 4:11- 12.
Why God gave us earthly fathers?
God has given men the privilege to be called fathers. Psalm 82:5-6. It is not just a privilege but one that comes with responsibilities.
Let’s not just be called fathers but always live it (1Cor 11:3). Make sure you understand.
The Purpose and Responsibilities of a Father
1. A father is a priest. Job 1:1-5.
And this duty must be performed. Gen 18:17- 19
2. A father is a prophet. A father gives direction. Hosea 12:1, Psalm 123:7.
3. A father is a provider. A father must provide for the family by giving counsel to the children. Proverbs 13:22. They provide support and friendship. Acts 20:35
4. A father is a promoter. A father must promote their family. Also, they must encourage the children in whatsoever they do (Matt 17:5).
5. A father is a protector. John 17:12-15. A father must do things to avert problems.
In conclusion, fathers please don’t fail to be a priest in your family. And to mothers we want you to help us be a better father. Proverbs. 31:23. Mothers please be patient with us, support us, believe in us and in addition pray for us.
Remain blessed…
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