Sometimes You Need CHARACTER, Not Prayer. …

In Challenging Situations, THERE’S ALWAYS A WAY TO …
September 26, 2017
We could learn something from the video
September 29, 2017

Sometimes You Need CHARACTER, Not Prayer. …

Sometimes You Need CHARACTER, Not Prayer.

No matter how we pray, attitude has it’s place.
This is a strong truth a lot of Christians fail to
understand. Prayer is good, but prayer isn’t the answer at all times.

Somewhere in the scriptures – Isaiah 65:24, the Bible says that before we pray, God will answer..
You know why? Because we’ve exhibited attitudes that will attract miracles …

People, sometimes pray for miracles to happen,
what you need is the right CHARACTER, not prayer, not speaking in tongues. God is a spirit, and for him to bless you, He needs to use a man to achieve that.

If you lack good relationships with men, you’ll
hardly be blessed. God works with and in relationship. You must learn to treat people with courtesy …

The Shunammite woman must have been
praying for a child all through her life.
I’m sure, she was a prominent woman and surely she had money but couldn’t buy a child.

You know what made her have a child? She was kind to someone – anybody. She took care of Elisha – She respected him,
– She was hospitable,
– She was kind,
– She had character!

Elisha, spoke into her womb and in a year, she
had a child.

Assuming she wasn’t hospitable?
Polite, and kind?
She would’ve still been praying and fasting,
binding and casting demons that may not even exist.

Sometimes, we are the reason for our challenges. Our attitudes are our destiny killers.

Some of you have insulted people that were
divinely orchestrated to help you …

Some of you are keeping malice with your
destiny helper …

Some of you are still suffering, not because you
lack talent but because you lack CHARACTER.

Talent is attractive.
Anyone can be talented, but CHARACTER is a
proof of discipline – Discipleship. A proof of responsibility.

CHARACTER sustains the attraction talent gives you.

CHARACTER is virtue, and sometimes what we call FAVOUR is triggered by virtue.

Mary was a Virgin.
She had virtue! She lived as a virgin before marriage, which attracted the favour of being the mother of the Saviour of the world !!!

In all thy getting, get CHARACTER
Respect people.

Treat strangers with courtesy …
Be kind …

Your Angel won’t always come like an Angel …
Look down on nobody, anyone can change
your life.

It was the maid of Naaman, that told him where
to get healing. Naaman was a great man but
had leprosy. He must have visited the greatest
hospital in the world as of that time. Who
would’ve ever thought that the solution to his
problem was in the mouth of his maid – people you call ‘ordinary people’

I tell you, everybody is Important

Sometimes the solutions of our problems are
trapped in the mouths of mere people, but
many of us are not humble enough to see it.

Prayer is not all. Build relationships. God will always use man to reach man.
Respect People. Get the right CHARACTER

The word of JESUS says “by their fruits (CHARACTER), we shall know them … – Matthew 7:20. Cultivate your CHARACTER

You are the MIRACLE you are waiting for

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