Father’s Day Service
Topic: A Father’s Love
Text: Prov 17:17; 13:22; Luke 11:10-13
– Being a Father is a privilege given by God to be enjoyed. Many are men, many are husbands but not all are fathers.
-Fathers give their children a voice. The societal breakdown we experience today could be attributed to the lack of a father-figure in the lives of many people.
– God wants fathers to bring their children closer to Him ( Josh 24:15; Job 1:1-5; prov 13:22). A father’s love is not complete until he has ensured that his children are in right standing with God.
What God expects from Fathers
1*- *Love your wife ( Eph 5:25). You cannot fully express your love for your children if you don’t love their mother.
2*- *Train your children (Prov 22:6) this cannot be done without the special touch of the mother. That’s why it is important for a man to love his wife (as previously stated).
3 Provide for your family (1 Tim 5:8) provision is not limited to ‘money’, provide the right education etc
4 Spend time with your family
There is no substitute for spending time with your family.
5 Build an inheritance for your family
Don’t bring children into the world and leave them to suffer when you’re no more. Start from now to put together a plan that’ll ensure your family is taken care of ( e.g a protection plan; life insurance plan etc)
6 Protect your family
Not just physically but also Spiritually. Rise up to pray for your family daily
7 Build a good legacy
Every child and every wife wants to be proud of their father/husband (Prov 31:23). Be a contributor; be a leader; help in the community.
8 Prophesy into your family (Gen 49:1) the words that a father prophesies are powerful. As a father you are standing in the place of God, so what you say into life of your wife and your children will come to pass.
Happy Father’s Day!
Have a blessed week ahead.
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