
March 12, 2018

Ideals for the 21st Century Woman/Mother …

Ideals for the 21st Century Woman/Mother 1. Identity - This is who you are. You are not defined by what you wear. You are who God says you are. Gen 1:27, Ps 139:14, Ps 82:6. Understand who you are and stay on track. Jn 1:16, Col 2:9-10 We are already complete in Him 2. Intercessor - You must be a woman given to prayer, because the Spiritual life controls the Physical life. A complete woman must have 5 Prayer Altars 1)Personal Altar 2)Marriage Altar 3)Family Altar 4)Corporate Altar - Act 12:5 5)National Altar - Esther 4:16 3. Instruction - You must obey all Instructions from the word of God. Cry to the Holy Spirit to help you. Your ability to listen to instructions will determine who you become in life. Eat 2:10, Ruth 3:3, Obey Instructions from God, and Obey Instructions from your Pastor - Gen 6:15 4. Influence - You have an influence on almost everything - People and Situations. Influence can be both positive and negative. John 4:16-17, Esther 6:13 5. Integrity - You should always remain who you are, because we shall all be tested - Dan 1:4, 1:8. The entire book of Job was an account of him keeping his integrity. Joseph also maintained his integrity - Gen 39:9 6. Impressions - We've got to leave righteous impression. We must impress the things of God in the heart of our children - 2Tim 3:15, 2Tim 1:5 From Prov 22:6, Train means stimulate. The number of active hours your children spend with you in a week is less than what they are exposed to outside. Be intentional in training your Children - 1King 3:16-28. We've got to investigate the lives of our Children, find out about their friends 7. Involve - Actively participate in the things of God and People. Act 9:26-32, Isa 41:21 , Prov 30:28 8. Interest - What do you spend your money and time on? We should be committed to the kingdom of God and his agenda - 2 Cor 4:18 Conclusion It is not going to be by our power or by might. It is by the mercy of God - Ask God for His Grace Speaker : Pastor (Mrs) Temitope Kaffo
March 7, 2018

Sunday service – 04/03/18 …

Sunday service - 04/03/18 Speaker - Dr. Chuks Topic - Living and flourishing in the perfect will of the Maker Texts: Jer 29:11-12; 1 Tim 2:2-4; Hb 13:20 Message: What is the will of God for mankind? 1. For every man to be saved. 2 Tim1:1; Phil 2:12 2. For us to be continually sanctified (set apart). Rom 6:6 3. For us to meditate on His word day and night. Ps 119:105-106; Phil 4:8 How to flourish in the land 1. Position yourself in the right place and surround yourself with the right people. Ps 1:1-3; 1 For 15:33-34 2. Live a life of continual holiness. Ps 92:12-15; Prov 11:28 3. Seek Knowledge and take practical steps towards achieving your goals. James 1:5; Matt 7:7; Provs 2:6; Prov 1:7 4. Be like the Berean Christians, search the scripture to validate all messages you hear. Acts 17:11; 2 Tim 4:3-4; 2 Tess 2:3 5. It is God's will for us to prosper. 3 John 1:2; Matt 6:33. Have a blessed week.
February 24, 2018


Topic: God still reward. Hebrew 11(4-6). The wordy of the scripture are intentional. God attends to man according to his deed Things that God Rewards 1. When you Reverence him he rewards you. Hebrew 5(7), Philippians 2(5-10). 2. Faith. You must have Faith to please God and he will reward you. Matthew 9(20-23). God response to faith. 3. Thanksgiving. Luke 17(11-18). 1 Thessalonica 5(7). God rewards those who give thanks always 4. Faithful. God rewards both both hardworking and faithfulness. Job 13(15--16) 5. Obedient. Trust and obey and God will reward you. 6. Cheerful given. Proverbs 3(6). Act 10(1-5) 7. Kingdom partners. God rewards anyone who make advancement in the kingdom of God. Psalms 35(27). Delivered by Pastor O Kaffo 21/02/2018
February 21, 2018

We shall all finish well in Jesus name. Amen …

We shall all finish well in Jesus name. Amen We will all fulfill our purpose in Jesus name. Amen